
Thank you very much for tantra massage who I get yesterday.
I feel like a special person on that time.
So relaxed and a like a baby in mum's hand.
It is a dream massage.
The whole day today I am feeling full of love and my soul is feel silent
Big thank you and big hug heart to heart!
Valentina, Agency owner

Delfina gave me a massage today.
It was so divine it took me five minutes to get back on my feet.
Delfina is very experienced and uses many different techniques to relax every single cell in the body and take you slowly but surely to cloud 9.
She is very loving and very attentive to her patient's every need.
I highly recommend her!!

The treatment I received was one of the most gentler, yet profound, massage experiences I ever had.
Delfina put extra attention to details, from the music playlist to the warm oil blend used, creating the warm and welcoming atmosphere, fully nourishing for mind, body and soul.
I left with a feeling light and deeply relaxed with an expanded heart chakra.
Thank you loads for everything you put in your work and being.
Tao Nat

I had a very special full body massage today from the Danish tantra teacher, Eabeauti
who is bringing her expertise and training to the UK.
It was gentle, loving and sensual, emotionally awakening, mentally relaxing, physically grounding.
She describes her work as pure love, given unconditionally, and this warm and caring is sensed deeply within the spirit.

Beauty, you are a magician!
You work miracles!
After the massage and meditation I feel amazing, full of energy!️
Keep making people happy.
Be healthy and for the benefit of the people!
Miss Nevyana

Words for this woman are spiritual power
Holistic, open-minded, full of acceptance, loyal and open-hearted, dedicated and invested in her clients, very strong in her beliefs and way of thinking.
What you see is what you get:
A beautiful blend of mother earth, the infinity of the solar system and the power of light
Vibeke Schlosser

I highly recommend Eabeauti as a spiritual and hypnosis therapist.
This 3 days retreat was an unique experience, it’s a hard process but if you do want to face and work on things that hold you back, you definitely should try this.
The changes in our lives never comes from being in our comfort zone.
The retreat is based in Brighton, very beautiful and peaceful - accommodation is so pretty and it has sea view, that’s so lovely. There are activities on the beach and also good walks which will be part of the process. I’ve learnt so much in these 3 days and I found it to be a very spiritual experience.
The walks in the beach where we did some of the exercises and the hypnosis are a high light for me, a very authentic experience. If you want to reconnect with yourself in an authentic way- I recommend to meet Eabeauti. I am most grateful to have experience this exceptional soul adventure!

Eabeauti offered a hypnosis session.
It was a wonderful experience when compared to many other things.
She conducted the entire session very professionally.
She started with warm healthy welcome with tea, chocolate and fruits.
She gave enough time to settled down. Then explained the entire process and make sure I understand.
Started with meditation and then slowly took me to childhood memories.
I don't know how she made me to live in that for 90 minutes
which I realised the time when I am back to this world.
I felt so fresh and new after the session and lived for a day in that mind set.
She explained what happened during the session and what I have to do after that. Her communication was clear and crisp.
The whole experience was amazing
Kris Kumar

I have tried the Online Angel Advice, Friendship Dolphin and Deep Dive Hypnosis Sessions
I can recommend them all and the way Eabeauti holds space and makes you feel uconditionally loved.
Her advices have been spot-on.
During a session with Eabeauti I have been held in pure love, while I learn about myself and grow as a human being .
Eabeauti is a role-model for authentic love on earth and with her help I have become more self-loving, confident and generous.
Cecilia, Project manager

I have never been hypnotised before
but always been curious about it
Eabeauti done a great job with it and made me feel comfortable all the way through.
I wanted help in the area of my love life and after the first session I realised straight away what I need work on and it is helping.
When I realise certain relapse moment
I practise what I was taught and those moments go away.
I can say she is very professional at her job and can get to the core of what your problem is.
She loves to help people out and you don't get that from many people these days.
Junior Herbert

Dearest Delfina,
You came into our lives just at the right time.
When we needed you most.
Your energy, your calm, your thoughtfulness and you love spread throughout our home.
I wish we had been able to spend more time with you
That you had known Mum when she wasn't so ill.
She would have loved you as much as I do.
Mim D

Imao sam 2 seanse tantre s Eabeautijem i bilo je oslobađajuće. U početku zapravo nisam znao što očekivati, ali dugo smo razgovarali kad je ona odvojila vrijeme da objasni i sasluša sve moje probleme i blokade.
Masaža je sama po sebi trenutak blagostanja i ljubavi, dodir pomaže u iscjeljivanju mnogih stvari: nekih trauma, fizičke boli i balansiranja energija.
Stvarno preporučujem ovu prekrasnu dušu ❤
Céline Prieur

I would most definitely highly recommend Eabeauti.
She made me feel my soul like I haven’t felt it before, I felt emotions that had been embedded, like my tears and roars.
Her tantra touch takes one onto another planet.
I now understand how men can have multiple pleasure without reaching a climax which I have never experienced before.
I feel now that my porn addiction has ended and I’m not ashamed of sex.
Now sex is like sharing a powerful breath together and I can’t wait to experience them feelings again.
Thank You Eabeauti darling-keep smiling and healing because we love that feeling ❤️💜
Tan from London 🌟

I had the extreme pleasure to work with Eabeati on couple of different occasions
Every time I fascinated with the results of her sessions.
She is so dedicated to her work and much more to her clients and helping them.
I feel so lucky I had met her.
Can’t recommend her enough.

Eabeauti has a magical ability to make you relax, her knowledge of Tantra is amazing and has helped me to further my ability to be sensual as well as sexual, in turn this has greatly enhanced my relationship with my partner and brought new expressions of feeling into our time when we are together.

Session 1
I had the pleasure of meeting the delightful Beauti for the most Sexual soulful and connecting Tantric massage ever.
Her warmth and caring heart overflow with grace and empathy, and her magic hands and energy connected with my body and soul.
She understood my body's energy well and knew my heart was closed without me saying and worked her magic to start the healing.
I am so looking forward to continuing my healing with this mystical Master of the mind, body and soul.
I wholeheartedly recommend a session with the exquisite, elegant, enigmatic Beauty
Session 2
I can't express enough how deeply moving and special my second tantric Sexual massage was with Beauti.
At the first massage (which was truly amazing and the best I had ever received), she sensed my heart was closed and so for this second tantric session, she prepared special ceremonies and rituals before the massage to help get connected.
Then, working her magic, she performed an amazing Sexual spiritually-connected massage which awakened my kundalini in a big way.
This was so powerful, that my Universe realised my heart had been opened and allowed a kindred flame to find me this very week, starting the following day.
Unbelievable, but truly amazing, how Beauti's knowledge, energy and Sensual touch was able to do this for me.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your unconditional sharing of your magical energy and insight.
Andy Oxford UK